Client Alerts & Publications
Pennsylvania Joining Other States in Rebuilding Infrastructure
Published Date: January 1, 2014
According to PennDOT, Pennsylvania has the largest number of bridges in the U.S. classified as“structurally deficient.” Approximately 4,500, or 18 percent, of the Commonwealth’s bridges are structurally deficient, while the national average is 7.3 percent. The average age of bridges in the Commonwealth is over 50 years old. However, this distinction will soon change as Pennsylvania moves forward with its much- anticipated Rapid Bridge Replacement Project.In order to streamline design and construction, over 500 structurally deficient bridges of similar design will be replaced through one partnership agreement. The successful low-bidder will manage the bridges’ design, construction and maintenance. PennDOT anticipates major cost savings since the same basic design and construction standards will likely be applied to multiple bridges. The state also intends to conserve costs by not funding the maintenance of those bridges for a yet to be determined number of years.
Originally due January 31st, the PennDOT’s SOQ submission deadline was recently extended to February 2nd, following the release of the tender in December of last year. According to news sources, the procurement timeline is not thought to have been affected, and a shortlist of prospective bidders is set to be announced in March.
To assist project teams, Peckar & Abramson is staffed and ready to go with experienced counsel located just outside of Philadelphia. Our P3 Group is adept at addressing the regulatory, contractual, transactional, financial and political issues that accompany P3s. We will be monitoring all developments and continuing to comment upon and highlight opportunities for bidding teams in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.